A very important bog: THE VIP'S TOILET.
THERE'S SUCH A LOT OF WORLD TO SEE: Two drifters off to see the world.
Strolling around Penang, bouncing from a temple to a market, I bumped into a beautiful little cafe: “Tigun's bicycle cafe” an hand written banner lets you guess. Inside I quickly recognized the class touch of a wise hand: there is a big, wonderful, old fashion coffe grounder guarded by a chinese style theater hung up on the wall; the italian coffe machine has been placed on a huge shipping wood case, all stamped with the history of the different countries and borders crossed to get there.
I try the tiramisu, with an excellent espresso, and I start chatting with the owner. Tigun is a man in his fifty who barely looks forty: fit and smiling, his indonesian face talks about a life fully lived.
True it is that Tigun saw the World. For his 24 birthday he jumped on a bicycle and started his first big trip: from Perth to Melbourne - no kidding, no middle ways, just go and hit the road, the way I like it. From that point on he kept traveling across the World onto two wheels and just one big, strong, everlasting engine: an heart that never gives up.
After four years around the globe during which he payed his way playing ukulele, selling pictures of the remote and unspoiled places visited, working occasional jobs (and by the way learning how to prepare a real tiramisu in Lombardia) he finally landed in New York, where he built a successful career in the broadway showbiz.
Sipping a cup of coffe, between a joke and a traveling tale, we exchanged opinions about our traveling experiences so different (his on land, mine primary on water) and so close: why wander around the world by bicycle, why hitch-hike on the sea? Slow and independent. These seem to be the keywords of a journey that has to be not a vacation, but an increased sensitiveness for things.
1 commento:
Quello che c'è di ammirevole nel popolo malese è lo spiccato intuito degli affari!Ma è una grande invenzione trovare il
modo di spillare quattrini ai supponenti signori"lei non sà chi sono IO"-Se al mondo ci sono dei cretini e sono tanti
anche dalle parti nostre ma che c'è di meglio di fargli pagare la loro cretinaggine?
Quanto alle esperienze di Tigun concretizzate in un raffinato locale con le varie raffinatezze estrapolate in giro per
il mondo chissà mai che ci inventerai tu che hai assaggiato anche i testicoli di chissà quale animale.Comunque scherzi
a parte è verissimo girare il mondo non è una vacanza ma affinare la nostra sensibilità
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